by Al Newell “Begging” for volunteers makes long term recruiting worse. Desperate pleas create diminishing returns, dulling the ears of prospects. Worse yet, “begging” cheapens the value of the ministry position itself. Consider a dad of a teenage girl placing a...
Why Leaders of Volunteers must master the skill of conflict resolution with volunteers? Volunteer retention. Hesitant to jeopardize their paycheck, paid staff tolerate poor follow up, insecure bosses, or even abuse. Volunteers on the other hand are not having it! If...
Deathblow #1: Transactional volunteer programming replaces transformational ministry. Transformational volunteer ministries bleed the cause of the ministry, emphasize the connection to the gospel and experience changed lives. They are more concerned with the calling...
Seven Reasons Why Volunteer Ministries Fail by Al Newell Golf great Ben Hogan said that when a person stands over a golf ball, every natural inclination is wrong. For instance, I once swung so hard that the ball lifted two inches straight up and plopped back down in a...
Invest in Recruiting donors or volunteers? A lesson from the NFL. Invest in Recruiting Donors or Volunteers? What every Christian leader should know: A lesson from the NFL. by Al Newell To approach the topic of whether an organization should invest in strategies to...
Volunteers and technology: Accelerate or Incinerate? by Al Newell PAM has become a friend of mine, no not the female name, the famous cooking spray. PAM makes cooking so much easier. I would know since I routinely use it as I cook. Besides crafting beautiful...