The Advanced Executive Course in Volunteer Ministry Development
January 27-29, 2025
Charlotte/Concord Courtyard Marriott
The Perfect Next Step
Level 2, the advanced course is the perfect next step. It picks up off of where Level 1 left off. Strengthen your leadership skills, gain countless insights and takeaways. Experience this powerful one of a kind course in a spiritually refreshing and challenging environment, a must-attend.
- The six rules of leading volunteers
- The secrets of making dynamic decisions that will set the course of your leadership life and your volunteer ministry
- How to move a volunteer toward strong performance
- Experience a challenging powerful team exercise that will keep your volunteers focused on making a high impact!
- Six ways to build volunteer equity and maximize organization-wide performance
- The secrets of developing vibrant High Impact volunteer teams
- Dealing with difficult and unusual volunteers
- Developing leader volunteers
- The power of affirmation and developing an affirmation strategy
- Putting energy in your volunteer training
- How to engage the enemy – A powerful look at spiritual warfare and volunteers
Registration Information:
Registration is $895 and includes 3-day training, notebook and optional Sunday evening dinner.
General schedule
The Seminar will take place Monday January 27 through Wednesday January 29 at the Charlotte/Concord Courtyard Marriott. Once you have registered we will send you a confirmation email. If you are flying into the Charlotte area, we encourage you to plan your travel back home with either an evening flight on Wednesday or a Thursday morning flight back.
- Sunday Evening Casual Dinner – Concord/Charlotte Courtyard Marriott: 6pm – 8pm
- Monday – Tuesday 8:30am to 6:00pm each day
- Wednesday 8:30 to 4:30
Sunday evening, January 26th we are hosting a casual catered evening meal, for a time to get to know each other before the start of the training Monday morning. Let us know if you will plan on attending this optional meal. We’d love to see you there. Questions or more information, contact us via phone at 704-918-4929 or by email.
Hotel & Travel
courtyard Marriott Charlotte/concord
The conference takes place at the Courtyard Marriott with overnight accommodations available. The Executive Course in Volunteer Ministry room blocks tend to fill up fast! Attendees are strongly encouraged to secure hotel reservations well in advance of the cutoff date. After this date, the Courtyard Marriott will release any unreserved rooms back to the general public. Guest room availability and the Executive Course in Volunteer Ministry discounted room rate will then be available based on hotel availability. Please reserve your room by clicking button below.
Courtyard Marriott
Charlotte Concord

per Night + Tax
CUTOFF DATE for discount room rate: January 5
7201 Scott Padgett Prkwy Concord, NC
Contact Tamika Bennett at or phone 704-454-1510 with questions or assistance for lodging reservations.

Charlotte Douglas International Airport
The Charlotte Douglas International airport is located approximately 30 minutes from the Courtyard Marriott Concord/Charlotte. The conference officially kicks off at 8:30am on Monday, January 27, though there is an optional dinner Sunday evening January 29th at 6:00pm. When booking your return flight home, please keep in mind that the conference will conclude at 4:30pm January 29, We recommend booking your flight to depart home after 6:30pm on Wednesday, allowing for at least two hours for travel to the airport and to get checked in.