God called us  to start a consulting ministry that would walk alongside Christian Leaders as they develop deep-rooted, highly effective (high Impact) volunteer ministries to the worldwide body of Christ.

The Bible
The Bible is the inerrant, authoritative word of God and the foundation of truth for our ministry. The truths of the Scripture are not only foundational to our ministry but also each team member is dedicated to the personal study and practice of God’s Word as essential to spiritual growth.

2 Timothy 3:16

Our calling.
Our calling to encourage leaders in the building of the world-wide living stone temple is from God, not of human agency. We desire to be an organization clearly led and directed by God in all we do. Because the calling is from God we can have confidence that God will bring it about.

I Peter 2:5, Romans 1:1, I Thessalonians 5:24

Our priority in ministry is to please God above all else.
This means that the content of our training, evaluation, consultations, resources and their distribution will be first based on what we believe God would have us do and not based on finances or the needs of others.

2 Cor 5:9

Relationships with each other and those we serve.
We desire that our relationships with each other, our spouses, our children, our team members and those we serve are built on humility, love, grace, forgiveness, full of authentic affirmation and admonition that speaks the truth in love. In all relationships, we will strive to resolve conflict biblically using the principles set forth in Matthew 18.
Our commitment to prayer

In obedience to the word of God, we strive to be an organization made up of men and women that pray effectively. We believe God’s Word teaches the importance and necessity of prayer in the Christian’s life and in any ministry. Each one of our team members has their own prayer team made up of dedicated Christians that support them in prayer. We strongly encourage any organization with whom we have the privilege to work to also rely on God through the power of prayer.

Colossians 4:2, James 5:16-18

By God’s power we will be an organization of integrity.

Integrity means whole. We desire to be an organization that is transparent and that our teachings and lives that are seen by those we serve will be the same as the one you don’t see. That does not mean that we don’t sin or that we haven’t made many mistakes in life. We are saved by grace and our live lives are dependent on the grace and mercy of God daily. We will try to answer any question you may have about us or our organization with sincerity, whether about our personal, moral or financial integrity.

This means also that we will only work with those organizations that we feel are aligned to our values.

Psalm 51:10

Trust will be the foundation of our client relationships.
Our hope is that our work ethic and ongoing efforts will reveal our heart’s desire to make every ministry more effective and more aligned with God’s will and Word. We will assume the best in our clients and hope they will also think the best of us.

I Corinthians 13:7